Sentence examples of "ir à falência" in Portuguese

Posso ir à escola a pé em 10 minutos. I can walk to school in 10 minutes.
Tenho de ir à escola. I have to go to school.
Estou impaciente de ir à festa. I'm looking forward to the party.
Não adianta ir à praia se vai chover. There's no point in going to the beach if it's going to rain.
Gostaria de ir à Áustria para estudar música. I would like to go to Austria in order to study music.
Estão saindo para ir à igreja agora. They're leaving for the church now.
Quando me levantei para ir à escola, a lua ainda era visível no céu. When I got up to go to school, the moon was still visible in the sky.
Quero ir à África um dia. I want to go to Africa someday.
Você deveria ir à escola. You should go to school.
Era um dia perfeito para ir à praia. It was a perfect day for the beach.
"Você quer ir à igreja comigo, Daudi?" "Não, pai. Hoje eu não quero. Irei sozinho amanhã." "Do you want to go to church with me, Daudi?" "No, father. I don't want to today. I'll go by myself tomorrow."
Quer ir à Alemanha comigo? Do you want to go to Germany with me?
Mr. Suzuki estudou francês antes de ir à França. Mr. Suzuki studied French before he went to France.
Foi muito difícil para a Jane ir à escola sozinha. It was too difficult for Jane to go to school alone.
Quero ir à França. I want to go over to France.
Gostaria de ir à França. I would like to go to France.
Em vez de ir à Europa, eu decidi ir à América. Instead of going to Europe, I decided to go to America.
Gostaria de ir à América um dia. I would like to go to America one day.
Você pode ir à estação de ônibus. You can go to the station by bus.
O garoto fingiu que ele estava doente demais para ir à escola. The boy pretended that he was too sick to go to school.
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