Sentence examples of "tinham" in Portuguese with translation "have"

Quantos olhos tinham os ciclopes? How many eyes had the Cyclops?
Eles tinham sido derrotados em batalha. They had been defeated in battle.
Tinham uma boa razão para estar felizes. They had a good reason to be happy about it.
Não sabia que vocês tinham um gato. I didn't know you had a cat.
Os indianos tinham dificuldade para encontrar comida. The Indians had difficulty finding food.
Os índios tinham dificuldade para encontrar comida. The Indians had difficulty finding food.
Eles anunciaram que tinham uma casa para vender. They advertised that they had a house for sale.
Quando a polícia chegou, os ladrões tinham desaparecido. When the police arrived, the thieves had disappeared.
As mulheres americanas não tinham o direito de votar. American women didn't have the right to vote.
Quando encontrei o restaurante, meus amigos já tinham jantado. When I found the resturant, my friends had already had supper.
Eles tinham pouco combustível para se aquecer e cozinhar. They had little fuel for heating and cooking.
Os dois professores tinham o mesmo número de estudantes. The two teachers had an equal number of students.
Os Estados Unidos tinham um acordo com a França. The United States had a treaty with France.
Tom estava falando sobre a comida deliciosa que tinham comido na viagem. Tom was talking about the delicious food they had eaten on their trip.
Eu não sabia que eles tinham ursos de verdade na cidade, então foi bonito assisti-los! I didnt know they had real bears in the city, so it was cute to watch them!
Nos anos 50 os finlandeses eram citados como aqueles que tinham uma das dietas alimentares menos saudáveis do mundo. In the 1950's, the Finns were cited as having one of the least healthy diets in the world.
Tom não sabia como traduzir a palavra "computador" porque as pessoas com quem ele estava falando nunca o tinham visto. Tom didn't know how to translate the word "computer" because the people he was talking to had never seen one.
Não tens nada a temer. You have nothing to fear.
Tens visto algum filme ultimamente? Have you seen any movies lately?
Não reclama. Tens que ir. Don't complain. You have to go.
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