Sentence examples of "пробиралась" in Russian with translation "make their way"

Мы помним, как пробирались сюда из школы. We remember what made their way here from school.
По словам Зимова, из первого стада 15 лошадей загрызли волки и медведи. 12 умерли, наевшись растущего в парке дикого болиголова, а еще две пробрались через забор и вернулись к своим местам обитания, находящимся в тысяче километрах. Of his first herd, Zimov said 15 were killed by wolves and bears, 12 died from eating wild hemlock that grows in the park, and two slipped through the perimeter and made their way back some 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) to their original pastures.
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