Sentence examples of "éramos" in Spanish

Nosotros éramos más jóvenes entonces. We were younger then.
Éramos dos, pero sólo teníamos un corazón. We were two, but only had one heart.
Conozco a Jim desde que éramos niños. I've known Jim ever since we were children.
Nos conocemos el uno al otro desde que éramos niños. We have known each other since we were children.
No éramos más de cien pasajeros a bordo del ferry. There were not more than one hundred passengers on board the ferry.
No hay nada como los viejos tiempos, cuando tú y yo éramos jóvenes. There is no time like the time when you and I were young.
Antes éramos enemigos, pero hemos enterrado el hacha de guerra y ahora nos llevamos bien. At one time we were enemies, but we've buried the hatchet and we are now on friendly terms with each other.
Mi esposa dio a luz a un niño cuando éramos muy pobres. Mientras ella dormía, yo cociné arroz y verduras durante varios días y la sorprendí con la variedad y el sabor de mi cocina. My wife gave birth to a child when we were very poor. While she was sleeping, I cooked rice and vegetables for several days and surprised her with the variety and taste of my cooking.
Él confesó que era culpable. He confessed that he was guilty.
No se supone que pase. It's not supposed to happen.
Estos guantes son de Tom. These gloves belong to Tom.
¿Cuándo se celebrará la fiesta? When will the party take place?
El éxito se consigue con constancia. Success consists of discipline.
Él admitió que era verdad. He admitted that it was true.
No exactamente cómo sucedió. I don't quite know how it happened.
Los perros son de ella. The dogs belong to her.
¿Cuándo se celebró la boda? When did the wedding take place?
Nuestra familia se compone de cinco personas. Our family consists of five members.
Su difunto marido era violinista. Her late husband was a violinist.
No qué le pasó. I don't know what has happened to him.
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