Sentence examples of "Al" in Spanish with translation "of"

Tom tiene miedo al compromiso. Tom is afraid of commitment.
Muchos chicos persiguieron al conejo. A lot of boys ran after the rabbit.
Acusó al hombre de robo. He accused the man of stealing.
Tom le teme al compromiso. Tom is afraid of commitment.
Ella temía despertar al bebé. She was afraid of waking the baby.
Conozco al presidente del comité. I am acquainted with the chairman of the committee.
Él enfrentó al peligro valientemente. He was brave in the face of danger.
Le hizo una foto al koala. He took a picture of the koala.
Caer de la sartén al fuego. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Tom está al tanto del peligro. Tom is aware of the danger.
Acusó al hombre de haber robado. He accused the man of stealing.
Él le tiene miedo al mar. He's afraid of the sea.
Llegó al límite de su paciencia. He has reached the end of his patience.
Estás al favor del plan, ¿no? You are in favor of the plan, aren't you?
Para empezar, debemos despedir al cocinero. First of all, we must dismiss the cook.
Perdimos al hombre entre la muchedumbre. We lost sight of the man in the crowd.
Ellos avisaron al barco del peligro. They warned the ship of the danger.
Él perdió de vista al pájaro. He lost sight of the bird.
Quiero una habitación con vistas al mar I want a room with a view of the sea
Antes de nada, debemos despedir al cocinero. First of all, we must dismiss the cook.
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