Sentence examples of "Cuidar" in Spanish

Tuve que cuidar a su bebé. I had to take care of her baby.
Tengo que cuidar al conejo. I have to look after the rabbit.
¿Podrías cuidar del bebé un rato? Could you take care of the baby for a while?
¿Puedes cuidar mi perro mañana? Will you look after my dog tomorrow?
Alguien tiene que cuidar del paciente. Somebody must care for the patient.
¿Podrías cuidar de los niños? Would you please look after the children?
Cuidar del bebé es mi trabajo. My job is taking care of the baby.
Tenemos que cuidar a nuestros padres. We have to look after our parents.
Tom tenía que cuidar de Mary. Tom had to take care of Mary.
¿Podrías cuidar de mi perro mañana? Would you please look after my dog tomorrow?
Tienes que cuidar de tu perro. You must take care of your dog.
Tengo que cuidar de este gato. I have to look after this cat.
Él no se puede cuidar solo. He can't take care of himself.
Tom tiene que cuidar a Mary. Tom has to look after Mary.
Ella tuvo que cuidar de su hermana. She had to take care of her sister.
Tienes que cuidar de tus seres queridos. You need to look after your loved ones.
Ella tenía que cuidar de su hermana. She had to take care of her sister.
Ella tiene que cuidar a su madre. She has to look after her mother.
Tiene edad suficiente para cuidar de sí misma. She's old enough to take care of herself.
¿Me puedes ayudar a cuidar a los niños? Can you help look after the kids?
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