Sentence examples of "Decidí" in Spanish with translation "decide"

Decidí decirle que la quiero. I decided to tell her that I love her.
Decidí decirle que lo amo. I decided to tell her that I love him.
Decidí suscribirme a la revista. I decided to subscribe to the magazine.
Decidí marcharme con los peregrinos. I decided to go away with the pilgrims.
Decidí estudiar en el extranjero. I decided to study abroad.
Decidí trabajar con todo el alma. I decided that I was going to work as hard as I can.
Decidí hacerme miembro de los bomberos voluntarios. I've decided to join the volunteer fire department.
A pesar del mal tiempo, decidí salir. Regardless of the bad weather, I decided to go out.
Yo decidí ir a estudiar al extranjero. I decided to go abroad to study.
El año pasado decidí venirme a Japón. I decided to come to Japan last year.
Tras una madura reflexión, decidí aceptar su oferta. After mature reflection, I've decided to accept their offer.
El año pasado me decidí a venir a Japón. I decided to come to Japan last year.
Decidí ir a la universidad para especializarme en Inglés. I decided to go to college to major in English.
Aunque decidí ir a la fiesta, no la espero con entusiasmo. Though I have decided to go to the party, I'm not looking forward to it.
Decidí tratar de aprender el esperanto, sólo para la experiencia nueva. I decided to try to learn Esperanto, just to make a new experience.
Aún a pesar de que ya vi esta película, decidí verla otra vez. Even though I already saw this movie, I decided to see it again.
Desearía poder preocuparme más de mis notas pero parece que, en cierto punto de mi vida, decidí que ya no sería tan importante. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided it wouldn't be so important anymore.
No encontré el libro en la biblioteca, por ello decidí ir a comprarlo, sin embargo estaba muy caro, a pesar de ello lo encontré en Internet. I didn't find the book in the library, so I decided to buy it. Unfortunately it was too expensive. However I found it on the Internet.
Decides quedarte una hora más. You decide to stay an extra hour.
Llámame cuando decidas casarte conmigo. Give me a ring when you decide to marry me.
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