Sentence examples of "Decidieron" in Spanish

Sue y John decidieron casarse. Sue and John decided to get married.
Ellos decidieron cerrar la fábrica. They decided to shut down the factory.
Decidieron derribar el viejo edificio. They decided to pull down the old building.
Sus padres decidieron que ella tocaría el violonchelo. Her parents decided that she would play the cello.
Ellos decidieron adoptar un niño en lugar de tener uno propio. They decided to adopt a child rather than having one of their own.
Como no tenían hijos propios, decidieron adoptar a una niña pequeña. Since they had no children of their own, they decided to adopt a little girl.
Al final, John y Sue decidieron partir la manzana por la mitad. At last, John and Sue decided to cut the apple into halves.
Tom iba a ser transferido a Boston, pero en vez de eso decidieron despedirlo. Tom was going to be transferred to Boston, but they decided to fire him instead.
Decides quedarte una hora más. You decide to stay an extra hour.
Espero que te decidas pronto. I hope you'll make up your mind quickly.
Algunas personas sordas deciden no utilizar el lenguaje de signos. Some deaf people choose not to use sign language.
El abogado decidió sus medidas a tomar. The lawyer determined his course of action.
Ella decidió no pagar la multa. She resolved not to pay the fine.
Pensándolo bien, decidí quedarme en casa. After careful thought, I elected to stay at home.
Llámame cuando decidas casarte conmigo. Give me a ring when you decide to marry me.
Todavía no me he decidido. I haven't made up my mind yet.
La única razón por la que Fernando de Magallanes pudo declarar que había sido el primer hombre en atravesar navegando todos los meridianos del mundo es que Cristóbal Colón había decidido nadar. The only reason why Ferdinand Magellan could claim to be the first man to sail across all of the world's meridians was because Christopher Columbus had chosen to swim.
—No —dijo con tono decidido. "No", he said in a decided tone.
Aún no me he decidido. I haven't made up my mind yet.
He decidido aprender la taquigrafía. I have decided to learn shorthand.
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