Sentence examples of "En aquel tiempo" in Spanish

En aquel tiempo se dedicaba a la música. He devoted himself to music in those days.
Por aquel tiempo nadie vivía en la isla. No one lived on the island at that time.
Me estoy quedando en aquel hotel. I'm staying at that hotel.
En aquel momento yo aún estaba despierto. At that time, I was still awake.
¿Estaba el bebé llorando en aquel momento? Was the baby crying then?
Tenía dieciocho años en aquel entonces. I was eighteen then.
Hay toda clase de flores en aquel jardín. There are all kinds of flowers in that garden.
Voy a sentarme en aquel banco, cerca de la farola. I'm going to sit on the bench over there, next to the street lamp.
Me intentaba convencer de invertir en aquel negocio. He was trying to convince me to invest in that business.
Introducir ideas democráticas en aquel país será un proceso lento. Introducing democratic ideas into that country will be a slow process.
No recomiendo comer en aquel restaurante. La comida es repugnante. I don't recommend eating in that restaurant. The food is awful.
Si hubiera tomado mi consejo en aquel entonces, ahora sería un hombre rico. If he had taken my advice then, he would be a rich man now.
Si mi madre hubiera estado todavía viva, me habría ayudado en aquel entonces. If my mother had still been alive, she would have helped me at that time.
Parece ser que en aquel momento él era rico. He seems to have been rich in those days.
Estábamos cocinando tempura en aquel momento. We were cooking tempura at that time.
Pasé cinco días en aquel pozo inmundo. En ese momento, mi única solución fue rezar. I spent five days in that filthy well. In that moment, my only solution was praying.
En aquel instante, todos me miraban y me presionaban, lo que solo aumentaba mi nerviosismo. At that moment, everybody was staring me and putting me under pressure, which just made me even more nervous.
¿Estabas sobrio en aquel momento? Were you sober at that time?
En aquel momento, yo seguía despierto. At that time, I was still awake.
Dudo que Tom planeara gastar tanto tiempo en aquel proyecto. I doubt that Tom planned to spend so much time on that project.
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