Sentence examples of "Esas" in Spanish

Mi obligación es saber esas cosas. My job is to know these things.
Todas esas son viles elucubraciones. All those are mere lucubrations.
Estoy muy interesado en esas historias. I am very interested in these stories.
Guarde esas sillas por favor. Please put those chairs away.
Esas flores silvestres desprenden un aroma agradable. These wild flowers give off a nice smell.
¡Esas flores son muy hermosas! Those flowers are very beatiful!
Una de esas dos respuestas es correcta. One of these two answers is right.
¿Dónde viste a esas mujeres? Where did you see those women?
Esas flores deben protegerse de la lluvia. These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.
Esas llaves no son mías. Those keys aren't mine.
Esas tres chicas bonitas son todas sobrinas mías. These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine.
¿Por qué ella dijo esas palabras? When did she say those words?
Esas hojas verdes se vuelven rojas o amarillas en otoño. These green leaves turn red or yellow in fall.
Esas casas son de mi tío. Those houses are my uncle's.
No creo que esas malditas baterías estén en este maldito cajón. I don't think that those damn batteries are in this damn drawer.
Hemos dado comida a esas familias. We have supplied those families with food.
Se pueden buscar oraciones con palabras determinadas y obtener traducciones para esas oraciones. You can search sentences containing a certain word and get translations for these sentences.
Esas sillas están en el camino. Those chairs are in the way.
Si dejas que otros se ocupen de esas cosas que no sabes hacer, nunca aprenderás cómo hacerlas por ti mismo. If you leave others to deal with those things that you do not know how to do, you'll never learn how to do these things yourself.
Mira esas nubes negras. Va a llover. Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.
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