Sentence examples of "Estabas" in Spanish with translation "be"

¿Encontraste lo que estabas buscando? Did you find what you were looking for?
Ah, estabas en la peluquería. Oh, you were at the hairdresser's.
Estabas equivocado después de todo. You were wrong after all.
¿Estabas sobrio en aquel momento? Were you sober at that time?
¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando ella vino? What were you doing when she came?
¿Qué estabas haciendo en ese momento? What were you doing at that time?
¿Dónde estabas ayer por la noche? Where were you last night?
¿Dónde estabas cuando ocurrió la explosión? Where were you when the explosion occurred?
¿Es verdad que entonces estabas embarazada? Is it true that you were pregnant then?
¿Quién cuidó al perro cuando no estabas? Who cared for the dog when you were away?
¿Quién cuidó del perro mientras no estabas? Who took care of the dog while you were away?
¿Dónde estabas en el momento del asesinato? Where were you at the time of the murder?
¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando empezó a llover? What were you doing when it began to rain?
¿Estabas en la escuela en ese momento? Were you at school at that time?
¿Con quién estabas hablando en el teléfono? Who were you speaking to on the phone?
¿Qué estabas haciendo ayer a estas horas? What were you doing about this time yesterday?
Te extrañé mucho cuando estabas en Francia. I really missed you when you were in France.
No sabía que estabas saliendo con alguien. I didn't know you were seeing someone.
¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando llamé esta mañana? What were you doing when I called this morning?
¿Por qué no nos contaste que estabas embarazada? Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant?
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