Sentence examples of "Fueron" in Spanish with translation "be"

Tus preguntas fueron muy directas. Your questions were too direct.
Muchos soldados fueron asesinados aquí. A lot of soldiers were killed here.
Todos los manzanos fueron talados. All the apple trees were cut down.
Fueron, por la mayoría, jóvenes. They were for the most part young people.
Todos fueron invitados, menos yo. All were invited but me.
Ellos fueron forzados a retirarse. They were forced to withdraw.
Ellos fueron rescatados en helicóptero. They were rescued by helicopter.
Estas personas fueron muy afortunadas. These people were very lucky.
¿Cuáles fueron sus últimas palabras? What were her final words?
Esos prisioneros fueron liberados ayer. Those prisoners were set free yesterday.
Alemania y Japón fueron derrotados. Germany and Japan were defeated.
Fueron separados en dos grupos. They were separated into two groups.
Los cuestionarios fueron repartidos aleatoriamente. The questionnaires were distributed at random.
Los bienes fueron enviados ayer. The goods were sent out yesterday.
Ellos fueron puestos en prisión. They were put in prison.
Todos sus esfuerzos fueron en vano. All their efforts were in vain.
En otro tiempo fueron muy útiles. Once they were very useful.
¿Cómo fueron tus vacaciones de verano? How was your summer vacation?
Fueron recibidos con una calurosa bienvenida. They were given a hearty welcome.
Todos nuestros intentos fueron en vano. All our attempts were in vain.
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