Sentence examples of "Hemos" in Spanish

Hemos jugado en esta playa. We have played at this beach.
Hemos estado hablando sobre ti. We've been talking about you.
Hemos llegado muy rápido, ¿verdad? We've arrived pretty quickly, haven't we?
Hemos estado esperando durante horas. We’ve been waiting for hours.
Parece que nos hemos perdido. It seems that we have lost our way.
Hemos estado observando sus negociaciones. We have been watching your negotiations.
No la hemos visto últimamente. We haven't seen her of late.
Todavía no hemos planeado nuestras vacaciones. Our holiday plans are still in the air.
Hemos tomado una decisión final. We have made a final decision.
¿Qué hemos hecho para ser castigados así? What have we done to be punished like this.
Nosotros hemos encontrado al Mesías. We have found the Messiah.
Hemos estado aquí por un par de minutos. We've been here for a couple of minutes.
Ahora que hemos comido, vámonos. Now that we have eaten up, let's go.
El tiempo que hemos pasado juntos es irreemplazable. The time we've spent together is irreplaceable.
Lo hemos perdido de vista. We have lost sight of him.
Por horas hemos estado esperando a que te aparezcas. We've been waiting for hours for you to show up.
Ya hemos terminado nuestro trabajo. We have already done our work.
Hemos hecho música incluso desde antes de comenzáramos a escribir. We've been making music from even before we began writing.
Hemos llegado sanos y salvos. We have arrived safe and sound.
No hemos podido averiguar nada acerca del abuelo y la abuela. We haven't been able to find out anything about Grandma and Grandpa.
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