Sentence examples of "Juventud" in Spanish with translation "youth"

Lloro por mi juventud perdida. I weep for my lost youth.
La juventud tiene sus ventajas. Youth has its advantages.
Él se aprovechó de mi juventud. He took advantage of my youth.
En su juventud se levantaba temprano. He was an early riser in his youth.
Ella sólo está celosa de tu juventud. She's just jealous of your youth.
Desgraciadamente, el poeta murió en su juventud. Unfortunately the poet died in his youth.
La juventud se marcha para no volver. Youth goes away and never comes back.
Tenemos que tener en cuenta su juventud. We must take his youth into account.
La juventud está enamorada de la tecnología. The youth is in love with technology.
La juventud se marcha y no vuelve nunca. Youth goes away and never comes back.
Solía ​​caminar por el cementerio en mi juventud. I used to walk in the cemetery in my youth.
Muchos grandes hombres pasaron penurias durante su juventud. Many great men went through hardship during their youth.
No tiene caso pensar en la juventud perdida. It's no use thinking about one's lost youth.
Él obtuvo el hábito de fumar en su juventud. He got into the habit of smoking in his youth.
Mi padre debió ser buen mozo en su juventud. My father must have been handsome in his youth.
Nadie ha encontrado aún la fuente de la juventud. No one has yet found the fountain of youth.
La juventud solo ocurre una vez en la vida. Youth comes but once in life.
No todos pueden hacer realidad los sueños de su juventud. Not everyone can realize the dreams of his youth.
Ella es orgullosa de haber sido bella en su juventud. She is proud of having been beautiful in her youth.
Él está avergonzado de haber sido ocioso en su juventud. He is ashamed of having been idle in his youth.
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