Sentence examples of "Llevaba" in Spanish

Ella llevaba unos zapatos blancos. She had white shoes on.
Él llevaba una chaqueta azul. He had a blue jacket on.
Él llevaba un abrigo azul. He had a blue jacket on.
Él solo llevaba cien yenes. He had only one hundred yen with him.
Él llevaba la camisa del revés. He had his shirt on inside out.
Tom no llevaba sus zapatos puestos. Tom didn't have on his shoes.
Él llevaba los calcetines al revés. He had his socks on inside out.
Tom no llevaba la dirección de Mary consigo. Tom didn't have Mary's address with him.
Jane llevaba un lazo amarillo en el pelo. Jane had a yellow ribbon in her hair.
Tom no se llevaba demasiado bien con Mary. Tom didn't get along with Mary too well.
El gato llevaba un listón alrededor de su cuello. The cat had a ribbon around its neck.
Él llevaba dos horas de lectura cuando ella entró. He had already spent two hours lecturing when she came in.
Tras seis juegos, Sampras llevaba ventaja a su rival. After six games, Sampras had the edge on his opponent.
Tom se dio cuenta de que no llevaba dinero consigo. Tom realized that he had no money on him.
La muchacha llevaba una larga bufanda alrededor de su cuello. The girl had a long scarf around her neck.
Mi padre me preguntó si me llevaba bien con la familia Jones. My father asked me if I got along well with the Jones family.
Vi un perro. El perro llevaba un trozo de carne en la boca. I saw a dog. The dog held a piece of meat in its mouth.
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