Sentence examples of "Ni siquiera" in Spanish

Mi profesor de historia es horrible: empieza a hablar de un tema, después empieza a desbarrar y yo creo que ni siquiera él se entera de lo que ha explicado. My history teacher is awful: he begins talking of a topic, and then he starts digressing, and I think not even he realizes what he had explained.
Ni siquiera habla bien su propio idioma, ni hablar de francés. She doesn't even speak her own language well, let alone French.
Ni siquiera le conozco. I don't even know him.
Tom ya ni siquiera le habla a Mary. Tom doesn't even talk to Mary anymore.
No pude entender ni siquiera el punto esencial de lo que dijo. I couldn't even understand the main point of what he said.
No hay ni siquiera una naranja en la mesa. There's not even one orange on the table.
Él ni siquiera recuerda qué ocurrió anoche. He doesn't even remember what happened last night.
Ni siquiera tengo tiempo para leer. I don't even have time to read.
Ni siquiera estuviste allí. You weren't even there.
-¡El suelo está sucio! -le regañó la dependienta- ¡Todavía ni siquiera has pagado el traje, y ya lo estás ensuciando! "The floor is dirty!" the shopkeeper reprimanded him. "You haven't even paid for the suit yet, and you're already getting it dirty!"
Ya ni siquiera sé que me está pasando. I don't even know what's happening to me anymore.
Ni siquiera estoy seguro de si eso ayudaría o no. I'm not even sure if that would help or not.
Ella ni siquiera puede hablar su lengua nativa sin cometer errores. She can't even speak her native language without making mistakes.
"¿Has terminado?" "No, de hecho ni siquiera he empezado." "Have you finished?" "On the contrary, I have not even begun yet."
La educación es aprender lo que ni siquiera sabías que no sabías. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.
El chico ni siquiera sabe cómo sumar. The child does not even know how to add.
Ni siquiera se acuerda de mí. She doesn't even remember me.
Ni siquiera está en el mapa. It's not even on the map.
Ni siquiera la cirugía plástica hará nada con tu fealdad. Even plastic surgery won't do anything for your ugliness.
A mí ni siquiera me gusta pelear. Even I don't like to fight.
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