Sentence examples of "Para" in Spanish with translation "to"

Cállate... estoy aquí para ayudarte. Shut up. I'm here to help you.
Es demasiado temprano para levantarse. It's too early to get up.
Tengo suficiente dinero para comprarlo. I have money enough to buy it.
No tengo tiempo para dormir. I don't have time to sleep.
Eso es nuevo para mí. That's news to me.
Desmantelé la radio para repararla. I took the radio apart to repair it.
Está demasiado frío para nadar. It's much too cold to swim.
Muchos cariños para los niños. Much love to the children.
Eres demasiado joven para morir. You're too young to die.
Quiero algo caliente para beber. I want something hot to drink.
Estoy demasiado cazuzo para estudiar. I'm too hungry to study.
Levanté la mano para preguntar. I raised my hand to ask a question.
¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarlos? What can I do to help you?
No tengo palabras para agradecerte. I have no words to thank you.
Necesito algún tiempo para pensarlo. I need some time to think about it.
Cerré los ojos para tranquilizarme. I closed my eyes to calm down.
¿Quisiera usted algo para comer? Would you like to eat something?
Tengo un regalito para darte. I have a nice present to give you.
Eso aplica para él también. That applies to him too.
No tengo tiempo para cocinar. I don't have time to cook.
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