Sentence examples of "Podrá" in Spanish

Translations: all3889 can3874 be possible3 other translations12
Él podrá entregar su informe mañana. He will be able to hand in his report tomorrow.
Tom pronto podrá conducir un auto. Tom will be able to drive a car soon.
Solo una mente audaz podrá resolver este acertijo. Just an audacious mind will solve this riddle.
Nadie podrá ser arbitrariamente detenido, preso ni desterrado. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
¿Podrá ella dejar el hospital la semana próxima? Will she be able to leave the hospital next week?
Tom jamás podrá perdonar a Mary por haberlo engañado. Tom won't ever be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him.
Tom no sabe si nos podrá visitar el próximo lunes. Tom doesn't know if he will be able to visit us next Monday.
No sé si él podrá visitarnos el Domingo que viene. I don't know if he will visit us next Sunday.
Ella le debe mucho dinero, pero probablemente no podrá devolvérselo. She owes him a lot of money, but she probably won't be able to pay it back.
No conozco este sistema, pero el hombre a cargo podrá explicarlo. I don't know this system, but the man in charge will explain.
Sólo mediante libre y pleno consentimiento de los futuros esposos podrá contraerse el matrimonio. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
Ciertamente ese proyecto es una tarea difícil, pero el señor Hara podrá llevarla a cabo. It's true that the project is a difficult task, but Mr Hara will be able to bring it off.
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