Sentence examples of "Robar" in Spanish with translation "steal"

Prefiero pasar hambre a robar. I would rather starve than steal.
Ella es culpable de robar. She is guilty of stealing.
Fue acusado de robar dinero. He was accused of stealing money.
Preferiría morir que robar de otros. I would rather die than steal from others.
Vi a alguien robar la mercancía. I saw somebody steal the merchandise.
Ella me acusó de robar su dinero. She accused me of stealing her money.
Prefiero morirme de hambre antes que robar. I would rather starve than steal.
Ellos lo acusaron de robar la bicicleta. They accused him of stealing the bicycle.
Nadie vio a Tom robar el libro. Nobody saw Tom steal the book.
Yo no debería haberle acusado de robar el dinero. I shouldn't have accused him of stealing the money.
Él atrapó a un joven tratando de robar su reloj. He caught a boy stealing his watch.
Si viera a un chico robar en un supermercado, lo denunciaría al director. If I saw a boy steal something in the supermarket, I would report him to the manager.
La Ley, en su majestuosa igualdad, le prohíbe al rico al igual que al pobre dormir bajo los puentes, mendigar en las calles y robar pan. The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.
Acusó al hombre de robo. He accused the man of stealing.
Ella es culpable de robo. She is guilty of stealing.
El que roba merece castigo. A person who steals deserves punishment.
Confesé haber robado el dinero. I confessed to stealing the money.
Admitió haber robado el tesoro. He admitted that he had stolen the treasure.
Me han robado mi bicicleta. I had my bicycle stolen.
Me han robado el reloj. My watch has been stolen.
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