Sentence examples of "Se va" in Spanish with translation "go"

¿Cómo se va a llamar? What are you going to call the baby?
Tom se va a divorciar. Tom is going to get divorced.
¡El barco se va a hundir! The ship's going to sink!
Este coche se va a descomponer. This car is going to break down.
Mi padre se va a operar. Father is going to undergo an operation.
Tom se va a la cama temprano. Tom goes to bed early.
Lo que fácil viene, fácil se va. Easy come, easy go.
¿A qué hora se va a dormir? What time do you go to bed?
¿Por cuanto tiempo se va a quedar? How long are you going to stay?
Él se va a postular para alcalde. He is going to run for mayor.
El jefe se va a enfadar conmigo. The boss is going to get mad at me.
Magda se va a casar con un español. Magda is going to marry a Spaniard.
Él se va a pescar todas las semanas. Every week he goes fishing.
Tom se va a la cama después de medianoche. Tom goes to bed after midnight.
¿Adónde te crees que se va todo el dinero? Where do you think all the money goes?
Mi hijo se va a Francia la próxima semana. My son is going to leave for France next week.
Un nuevo maestro se va a encargar de esta clase. A new teacher's going to take charge of this class.
El hombre con quien se va a casar es astronauta. The man whom she is going to marry is an astronaut.
Oí que Tom se va a entregar a la policía. I heard that Tom is going to turn himself in to the police.
Se dice que el hombre se va a su casa. It is said that the man goes to his house.
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