Sentence examples of "Su" in Spanish

Su comportamiento petulante es ofensivo. His smug behavior is offensive.
Ella miró a su alrededor. She looked all around.
Su boda se celebrará mañana. Their wedding will be tomorrow.
Debería cumplir con su deber. You should carry out your duty.
Su significado básico permanece igual. The basic meaning of it remains the same.
Sé cuál es su nombre. I know what his name is.
Su hija mayor está casada. Her older daughter is married.
¿Has visto su nuevo apartamento? Have you seen their new apartment?
¿Está orgulloso de su padre? Are you proud of your father?
Su versión inglesa es perfecta. Its English version is perfect.
Me reí de su broma. I laughed at his joke.
Ella me mostro su álbum. She showed me her album.
Su afición es la pesca. Their hobby is fishing.
¿Está orgullosa de su padre? Are you proud of your father?
Toda rosa tiene su espina. Every rose has its thorn.
Su discurso duró tres horas. His speech lasted three hours.
Me presentó a su hermano. She presented me to her brother.
Ellos repudiaron a su hijo. They renounced their son.
¿Puedo sentarme a su lado? May I sit next to you?
No era su intención herirte. It wasn't my intention to hurt you.
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