Sentence examples of "Sus" in Spanish with translation "his"

No pude cumplir sus expectativas. I couldn't live up to his expectations.
Ese niño guardó sus juguetes. That child put his playthings away.
Él respondió a sus padres. He replied to his parents.
Lágrimas cayeron de sus ojos. Tears fell from his eyes.
Sus amigos le llamaban Ted. He was called Ted by his friends.
Es fiel a sus principios. He remains loyal to his principles.
Él realizó todas sus promesas. He carried out all his promises.
Él encontró a sus padres. He found his parents.
Tom intentó reducir sus gastos. Tom tried to cut down on his expenses.
No quiero herir sus sentimientos. I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Sus palabras se hicieron realidad. His words have come true.
Es independiente de sus padres He is independent of his parents.
No vayas contra sus deseos. Don't go against his wishes.
Ellos le perdonaron sus delitos. They forgave him for his crimes.
Escuchó sus CDs al azar. He listened to his CDs at random.
Hirió sus sentimientos a propósito. He hurt her feelings on purpose.
Eso destruyó todos sus sueños. That destroyed all his dreams.
Hawking volvió a sus estudios. Hawking went back to his studies.
Tom respeta a sus padres. Tom respect his parents.
Le ayudé con sus deberes. I helped him with his homework.
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