Sentence examples of "Tomamos" in Spanish

Tomamos orgullo en nuestra fuerza. We took pride in our strength.
¿Qué tal si nos tomamos una copa de vino? How about we have a glass of wine?
La cena la tomamos en el comedor. For dinner we eat in the dining room.
Tomamos el té con azúcar. We take our tea with sugar.
Disfrutamos mucho la comida que tomamos en su casa el domingo pasado. We very much enjoyed the meal we had at her home last Sunday.
Por casualidad tomamos el mismo tren. We happened to take the same train.
Es simplemente que si lo tomamos todos los días seguro que nos hartamos de él. Debo incrementar la variedad de lo que cocino. It's just if we have it every day we're bound to get fed up with it. I must increase the variety of my cooking.
Tomamos un breve descanso en el camino. We took a short rest on the way.
Tomamos un avión de Tokio a Sapporo. We took a plane from Tokyo to Sapporo.
Nos tomamos la foto en la playa. We had our photo taken on the beach.
Tomamos un taxi para no llegar tarde. We took a taxi so as not to be late.
Nosotros tomamos un taxi para llegar a tiempo. We took a taxi so as to reach there on time.
Tomamos por sentado que tendrá éxito en su negocio. We take it for granted that he will succeed in his business.
No lo tomes tan literalmente. Don't take that too literally.
¿Cuántos kebabs vas a tomar? How many kebabs will you have?
No te tomes la témpera. Don't drink the tempera.
Me gusta tomar sopa caliente. I like to eat hot soup.
Tom tuvo que tomar un taxi. Tom had to catch a taxi.
A finales de agosto, las fuerzas aliadas tomaron París. In late August, the Allied forces captured Paris.
El presidente y su secretaria hablaron tomando café. The president and the secretary talked over a cup of coffee.
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