Sentence examples of "Tuvo" in Spanish with translation "have"

Tuvo su cuota de suerte. He had his share of luck.
Tom tuvo una semana ajetreada. Tom had a hectic week.
Tuvo un sueño horrible anoche. I had a horrible dream last night.
Ella tuvo una infancia feliz. She had a happy childhood.
Mary tuvo la última carcajada. Mary had the last laugh.
Ella tuvo una niñez feliz. She had a happy childhood.
Ella no tuvo ningún hermano. She had no brother.
Tom tuvo un día arduo. Tom had a rough day.
El tuvo poca vida social. He had little social life.
Tom tuvo una buena idea. Tom had a good idea.
Él tuvo un sueño extraño. He had a strange dream.
Tom tuvo un grave accidente. Tom had a major accident.
Ella tuvo un sueño agradable. She had a pleasant dream.
Ella no tuvo un hermano. She didn't have a brother.
Tom tuvo un mal sueño. Tom had a bad dream.
Tuvo un amago de infarto. He had a mild heart attack.
Esta decisión tuvo importantes consecuencias. This decision had important results.
Tom nunca tuvo mucho dinero. Tom has never had much money.
Tom tuvo que ir él mismo. Tom had to go himself.
Él tuvo un accidente de tráfico. He had a traffic accident.
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