Sentence examples of "Unas" in Spanish with translation "some"

Tengo que hacer unas compras. I have some shopping to do.
Alguien nos trajo unas uvas. Someone has brought us some grapes.
Tengo unas fotos para mostrarte. I have some pictures to show you.
Me gustaría comprarme unas botas. I would like to purchase some boots.
Reposamos encima de unas piedras. We rested on some stones.
Tom tiene unas ideas muy buenas. Tom has some very good ideas.
Tom hizo unas preguntas muy buenas. Tom asked some very good questions.
¿Me da unas anchoas con aceitunas? Can I have some anchovies with olives?
Hay unas galletas en la jarra. There are some cookies in the jar.
Tom le mandó unas flores a Mary. Tom sent Mary some flowers.
Es tiempo de que te tomes unas vacaciones. It's time that you have some vacations.
Quiero unas bellas flores para poner sobre la mesa. I want some beautiful flowers to put on the table.
Hay unas cosas que el dinero no puede comprar. There are some things money can't buy.
Tengo muchas flores. Unas son rojas y otras amarillas. I have a lot of flowers. Some are red and others are yellow.
Tom le regaló a Mary unas flores que había recogido. Tom gave Mary some flowers he'd picked.
Si voy a la fiesta llevaré unas botellas de vino. If I go to the party, I'll take some bottles of wine.
Próxima vez que venga, te voy a llevar unas flores. Next time I come, I'll bring you some flowers.
Puse unas galletas sobre la mesa, y los niños se las comieron enseguida. I put some cookies on the table and the kids ate them right up.
Hay muchas manzanas en la caja. Unas son rojas y otras son amarillas. There are many apples in the box. Some are red and others are yellow.
Después de la cena sacó su guitarra y nos tocó unas bellas baladas españolas. He got out his guitar after dinner and played some beautiful Spanish ballads for us.
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