Sentence examples of "Vinieron" in Spanish with translation "come"

Vinieron a hacer las paces. They came to make peace.
Sus padres no vinieron, ¿verdad? Your parents didn't come, did they?
Ellos no vinieron aquí, ¿verdad? They didn't come here, did they?
Estos alicates me vinieron muy bien. That pair of plier came in handy.
A pesar de mis órdenes, no vinieron. They didn't come in spite of my orders.
Tus padres no vinieron, ¿no es así? Your parents didn't come, did they?
Vinieron al hospital para preguntar por mí. They came to the hospital to inquire after me.
Solo vinieron seis personas a la fiesta. Only six people came to the party.
Ellos vinieron de inmediato a nuestro rescate. They came to our rescue at once.
Hace cinco años que vinieron a Japón. It is five years since they came to Japan.
Vinieron a ayudarnos todos a la vez. They came to our aid at once.
Mientras él hablaba, imágenes vinieron a mi mente. As he spoke, pictures came into my mind.
Mis dos padres vinieron a despedirme al aeropuerto. Both my parents came to see me off at the airport.
Todos mis amigos vinieron a mi fiesta de cumpleaños. All my friends came to my birthday party.
Tan sólo el otro día, Tom y Mary vinieron de visita. Just the other day, Tom and Mary came over for a visit.
Mary y su familia vinieron a la estación de tren a despedirnos. Mary and her family came to the railroad station to see us off.
Los medios se enteraron de un rumor sobre su compromiso y vinieron rápidamente. The media got wind of a rumor about his engagement and came quickly.
Mary y su familia vinieron a la estación de tren a vernos marchar. Mary and her family came to the railroad station to see us off.
Mary y su familia vinieron a la estación de tren a vernos partir. Mary and her family came to the train station to see us off.
Debido a los cambios de las leyes del matrimonio canadienses, muchos estadounidenses homosexuales vinieron a Canadá a casarse. Because of the change in Canadian marriage laws, many American homosexuals came to Canada to get married.
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