Sentence examples of "abogado" in Spanish

¿Querría hablar con un abogado? Would you like to talk to a lawyer?
Se cansó de ser el abogado del diablo y ahora acepta cualquier idea que sugieran, sin importar lo estúpida que sea. He got tired of being the devil's advocate and now agrees with every idea they suggest, no matter how dumb.
El divorcio fue finalizado esta mañana en el despacho del abogado. The divorce was finalized this morning at the attorney's office.
Tom necesita un buen abogado. Tom needs a good lawyer.
Puedo estar haciendo de abogado del diablo, pero tengo que preguntar, ¿qué vamos a hacer si no conseguimos todos los clientes que esperamos? I may be playing the devil's advocate, but I have to ask, what are we going to do if we don't get all the customers we expect?
Quisiera hablar con mi abogado. I'd like to speak with my lawyer.
Él debió haber sido abogado. He should have been a lawyer.
Dudo que sea un abogado. I doubt if he is a lawyer.
Su meta es ser abogado. His aim is to become a lawyer.
Creo que no es abogado. I believe he is not a lawyer.
Tom es un abogado exitoso. Tom is a successful lawyer.
Su hijo quiere ser abogado. His son wants to be a lawyer.
Tom quería convertirse en abogado. Tom wanted to become a lawyer.
Exijo hablar con mi abogado. I demand to speak with my lawyer.
Ahora llamo a mi abogado. Now I'll call my lawyer!
Su ambición es ser abogado. His ambition is to be a lawyer.
Él es un buen abogado. He is an able lawyer.
El abogado elaboró mi testamento. The lawyer drew up my will.
Quiero hablar con mi abogado. I want to talk with my lawyer.
¿Querrías hablar con un abogado? Would you like to talk to a lawyer?
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