Sentence examples of "admiramos" in Spanish

Nosotros admiramos la belleza del escenario. We admired the beauty of the scenery.
Siempre amamos a la gente que nos admira, pero no siempre a la que admiramos. We always love the people that admire us, but not always the ones we admire.
Os admiro por vuestro coraje. I admire you for your courage.
Te admiro por tu coraje. I admire you for your courage.
Le admiro por su valor. I admire you for your courage.
Él admiró mi auto nuevo. He admired my new car.
Nadie lo admira más que yo. No one admires him more than I do.
Era capaz de admirar su cuerpo. I was able to admire its body.
No puedo evitar admirar su talento. I can't help admiring his talent.
No puedo evitar admirar su valor. I cannot help admiring his courage.
No podemos evitar admirar su talento. We cannot help admiring his talent.
Todo el mundo admiraba su coraje. Everybody admired his courage.
Ella admira a John por su coraje. She admires John for his courage.
No podía más que admirar su valor. I could not but admire his courage.
Él es el novelista que más admiro. He is the novelist whom I admire most.
Tom realmente admiraba el valor de Mary. Tom really admired Mary's courage.
Todos los que le conocían le admiraban. Everyone who knew him admired him.
Los estadounidenses admiran a Lincoln por su honestidad. Americans admire Lincoln for his honesty.
Admiro la cultura y la educación de los alemanes. I admire the culture and the politeness of the Germans.
Admiro profundamente la vida y obra de Frida Kahlo. I deeply admire Frida Kahlo's life and work.
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