Sentence examples of "al contrario de" in Spanish

Lo contrario de incómodo es cómodo. The opposite of uncomfortable is comfortable.
Mary no es pobre. Al contrario, es bastante rica. Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich.
"Rápido" es el contrario de "lento". "Fast" is the opposite of "slow."
Él no es vago, al contrario, pienso que trabaja duro. He's not lazy. On the contrary, I think he's a hard worker.
Las guerras no traen paz; al contrario, traen dolor y tristeza a ambos bandos. War doesn't bring on peace; on the contrary, it brings pains and grief on both sides.
Él no es vago. Al contrario, creo que él es muy esforzado. He's not lazy. On the contrary, I think he's a hard worker.
Al contrario, nunca he dicho tal cosa. On the contrary, I've never said such a thing.
No me parece feo ese cuadro, al contrario, pienso que es hermoso. That picture doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful.
Tú eres joven. Yo, por el contrario, soy muy vieja. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old.
Por error monté un tren que iba en sentido contrario. By mistake I boarded a train going in the opposite direction.
Dices algo y luego haces justo lo contrario. You say one thing and then act just the opposite.
Las lenguas no deberían utilizarse, porque eso adulteraría su belleza. Por el contrario, tendrían que ser congeladas criogénicamente y observadas en silencio. Languages should not be used, for that would adulterate their beauty. Rather, they should be cryogenically frozen and observed in silence.
Y sin embargo, también lo contrario es siempre verdadero. And yet, the contrary is always true as well.
Por error cogí un tren que iba en sentido contrario. By mistake I boarded a train going in the opposite direction.
Tú eres joven. Yo, por el contrario, soy muy viejo. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old.
No tengo ninguna prueba de lo contrario. I have no proof to the contrary.
Vine aquí a buscar un nuevo comienzo para Estados Unidos y musulmanes alrededor del mundo, que se base en intereses mutuos y el respeto mutuo; y que se base en el hecho de que Estados Unidos y el Islam no se excluyen mutuamente y no es necesario que compitan. Por el contrario: coinciden en parte y tienen principios comunes, principios de justicia, progreso, tolerancia y la dignidad de todos los seres humanos. I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.
El gusto de mi esposa para vestirse es contrario al mío. My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own.
"¿Has terminado?" "Al contrario, acabo de empezar." "Are you done?" "On the contrary, we've just been getting started."
Sus comentarios tuvieron el efecto contrario. His remarks had the opposite effect.
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