Sentence examples of "almorzando" in Spanish

Estoy almorzando con mi hermana. I am eating lunch with my sister.
El teléfono sonó cuando estaba almorzando. The phone rang when I was having lunch.
Es mediodía. Los hombres están almorzando. It is midday. The men are eating lunch.
Ellos están almorzando en el jardín. They are having lunch in the garden.
Estaba almorzando cuando sonó el teléfono. I was having my lunch, when the phone rang.
Él estaba almorzando cuando entré a la habitación. He was having lunch when I entered the room.
Aquella vez, Tom estaba almorzando con Mary. Tom was eating lunch with Mary at that time.
Tom está almorzando con el jefe de policía. Tom is having lunch with the police chief.
Tengo hambre porque no almorcé. I am hungry because I did not eat lunch.
Entré al restaurante y almorcé. I entered the restaurant and had lunch.
Ellos normalmente desayunan a las siete y media y almuerzan a las doce. They usually have breakfast at half past seven o'clock and eat their lunch at twelve.
Almorzamos temprano en el colegio. We had an early lunch at school.
Mientras almorzaba, sonó el teléfono. As I was having lunch, the phone rang.
Tom no quiere almorzar ahora. Tom doesn't want to eat lunch now.
Almorzamos a eso del mediodía. We have lunch at about noon.
El problema era dónde almorzar. The problem was where to eat lunch.
Entramos al restaurante y almorzamos. We entered the restaurant and had lunch.
No he terminado de almorzar. I have not finished lunch.
Almorzamos en una pequeña cafetería. We had lunch at a little coffee shop.
Él ya salió a almorzar. He has gone out for lunch already.
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