Sentence examples of "bajamos" in Spanish with translation "come down"

Lo que sube debe bajar. What goes up must come down.
El precio del café ha bajado. The price of coffee has come down.
Ella iba bajando por las escaleras. She was coming down the stairs.
Bajó la colina en su bicicleta. He came down the hill on his bicycle.
Un monstruo gigante viene bajando la montaña. A huge monster is coming down the mountain.
Todo lo que sube tiene que bajar. Whatever goes up must come down.
Ella bajó a desayunar a las ocho. She came down to breakfast at eight.
Moisés bajó de la montaña cargando mandamientos divinos. Moses came down from the mountain bearing divine commandments.
Los terroristas bajarán de las montañas en una semana. The terrorists will come down from the mountains in a week.
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