Sentence examples of "cabeza" in Spanish with translation "head"

Me duele tanto la cabeza. My head aches so much.
Me das dolor de cabeza. You make my head hurt.
Mi cabeza está dando vueltas. My head is spinning.
Tom se afeitó la cabeza. Tom shaved his head.
Me duele mucho la cabeza. My head really aches.
Oigo voces en mi cabeza. I hear voices in my head.
Todo está en tu cabeza. It's all in your head.
Sacate eso de la cabeza. Take that off your head.
Él inclinó la cabeza avergonzado. He bowed his head ashamedly.
Deberías hacerte ver tu cabeza. You should have your head examined.
Cuando piensa, se rasca la cabeza. When he thinks, he scratches his head.
Se rascó la cabeza por costumbre. He scratched his head out of habit.
Han puesto precio a su cabeza. There's a price on his head.
Él tiene ideas en la cabeza. He got ideas into his head.
Mary está mal de la cabeza. Mary has something wrong in her head.
¿Le duele la cabeza a menudo? Does your head hurt often?
Me miró de pies a cabeza. He stared at me from head to foot.
Él me golpeó en la cabeza. He hit me on the head.
Él fue herido en la cabeza. He was wounded in the head.
Ya no me duele la cabeza. My head doesn't ache anymore.
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