Sentence examples of "café con leche" in Spanish

Prefiero el café con leche. I prefer coffee with milk.
Dos cafés con leche, por favor. Two coffees with milk, please.
¿Alguna vez has revuelto tu café con un tenedor? Have you ever stirred your coffee with a fork?
¿Siempre tomas café con el desayuno? Do you always have coffee with your breakfast?
La manteca y el queso se hacen con leche. Butter and cheese are made from milk.
El café con crema es un placer no muy caro. Coffee with cream is not very expensive pleasure.
El queso se fabrica con leche. Cheese is made from milk.
A Tom no le gusta el café con azúcar. Tom doesn't like coffee with sugar.
¿Dónde está el té con leche? Where is the tea with milk?
Podés hacer una torta con harina, leche y un huevo. You can make a cake with flour, milk and an egg.
Él no le regaló un ramo de rosas pero la invitó a tomar un café y habló con ella. He didn't give her a bucket of roses, but he took her out for a coffee and talked to her.
Preparé un termo lleno de café para que te lo puedas llevar con tu almuerzo. I made a thermos full of coffee so you can take it along with your lunch.
Nunca he tomado leche con té. I've never drank milk with tea.
Ya no tomo leche con azúcar. I don't drink milk with sugar any more.
Empieza tu mañana con café. Start your morning off with coffee.
Ella terminó el almuerzo con el café. She finished up lunch with coffee.
Tomo dos cucharaditas de azúcar con mi café. I take two teaspoons of sugar with my coffee.
Le puse algo de leche a mi café. I put some milk in my coffee.
Él se echó leche en el café. He put milk in his coffee.
Ella mezcló la leche en el café. She stirred the milk into her coffee.
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