Sentence examples of "café solo" in Spanish

Tom solo toma café. Tom only drinks coffee.
¿Quisieras algo de café? Would you like some coffee?
Mi amigo solo come comida orgánica. My friend only eats organic food.
Compré pan, café, azúcar y cosas por el estilo. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and the like.
Quiero casarme, solo que no contigo. I want to get married, just not to you.
Ya me he tomado un café. I've already had a coffee.
Tom vive solo en una pequeña cabaña cerca de una cascada. Tom lives alone in a small cabin near a waterfall.
Él bebió una taza de café. He drank a cup of coffee.
El año pasado pasé tanto tiempo solo que casi se me olvidó cómo comunicarme de una manera eficaz con los otros. Last year, I spent so much time by myself that I almost forgot how to communicate effectively with others.
Tom tomó un sorbo de café. Tom took a sip of coffee.
Pensé que solo estabas enojado conmigo, y no con el resto de mi familia. I thought you were only angry with me and not with the rest of my family.
Los italianos a menudo toman café. The Italians often drink coffee.
Solo hemos llegado a darnos besos. We have just gotten to first base.
Sus zapatos son de color café. His shoes are brown.
Él vive solo. He lives by himself.
No me gusta el café frío. I don't like cold coffee.
Nunca tienes que sentirte solo con un buen libro en tus manos. With a good book in your hands you need never feel lonely.
No estoy acostumbrado a tomar el café sin azúcar. I am not used to drinking coffee without sugar.
Oye, amigo. Solo te quiero ayudar. Hey pal. I just want to help you.
El mataba el tiempo en un café mirando pasar las muchachas. He killed time in a coffee shop watching girls pass by.
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