Sentence examples of "cantar" in Spanish with translation "sing"

Es tu turno de cantar. It's your turn to sing.
¿Oyes cantar a los pájaros? Do you hear the birds singing?
Si sólo pudiera cantar bien. If only I could sing well.
Sería genial si pudieras cantar. It would be great if you could sing.
Él no sabe cantar bien. He cannot sing well.
Le oí cantar una canción. I heard her singing a song.
Ella puede cantar muy bien. She is able to sing very well.
A Tom le encanta cantar. Tom loves singing.
Nunca le he escuchado cantar. I never heard him sing.
A ella le gusta cantar. She likes to sing.
Oí a los niños cantar. I heard the boys singing.
A menudo te oímos cantar. We often hear you sing.
Eric ha empezado a cantar. Eric has begun to sing.
Le gusta cantar y bailar. He likes singing and dancing.
Desearía poder cantar como tú. I wish I could sing like you do.
Ojalá pudiera yo cantar bien. If only I could sing well.
Le gusta cantar canciones populares. He likes to sing popular songs.
Tom sí que puede cantar. Tom sure can sing.
Le gusta cantar en el baño. He likes to sing in the bathtub.
No me gusta cantar en público. I don't like to sing in public.
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