Sentence examples of "casas" in Spanish

No hay casas por aquí. There are no houses around here.
Eran departamentos o casas vacías. They were vacant apartment or homes.
Ellos incendiaron casas y graneros. They set fire to houses and farm buildings.
A veces visito las casas de mis amigos. I sometimes visit my friends' homes.
Los animales invadieron las casas. Animals invaded the houses.
Inmigrantes chinos ricos pagan gustosamente precios estratosféricos por casas en Vancouver. Wealthy immigrants from China are happy to pay stratospherical prices for homes in Vancouver.
Las casas se están quemando. The houses are burning.
En América muchas personas tienen cercas al rededor de sus casas. In America, many people have fences around their homes.
El tifón destruyó muchas casas. The typhoon destroyed many houses.
A medida que pasaba el desfile grotesco, todo el mundo salía hipnotizado de sus casas. As the grotesque parade passed by, everyone came out of their homes, hypnotized.
El policía visitó todas las casas. The policeman visited all the houses.
Parece que a todo el mundo le gusta ser generoso con sus invitados al darles la bienvenida a sus casas. It seems that everyone likes to be generous in welcoming guests to their home.
Esas casas son de mi tío. Those houses are my uncle's.
Ese arquitecto construye casas muy modernas. That architect builds very modern houses.
Hay mucha gente tratando de comprar casas. There are many people trying to buy houses.
Las casas grandes son costosas para vivir. Large houses are expensive to live in.
Ella no sabe quién construyó esas casas. She doesn't know who built those houses.
Diez casas fueron destruidas por el fuego. Ten houses were burned down.
Hay muchas casas abandonadas en el vecindario. There are a lot of abandoned houses in the neighborhood.
Un canal fluía entre dos corridas de casas. A canal flowed between two rows of houses.
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