Sentence examples of "cerca tuyo" in Spanish

Anoche, alguien se metió a la pequeña tienda cerca de mi casa. Last night someone broke into the small shop near my house.
Él quiere un reloj como el tuyo. He wants a watch like yours.
Tom vive solo en una pequeña cabaña cerca de una cascada. Tom lives alone in a small cabin near a waterfall.
Comparado con mi problema, el tuyo no es nada. As compared with my trouble, yours is nothing.
Ella le aconsejó venir cerca de las 2:30. She advised him to come by 2:30.
¿Qué clase de lógica es esa: si no es tuyo, debe de ser mío? What kind of logic is this: if it is not yours, it must be mine?
Mi casa está cerca del parque. My house is close to the park.
Un día todo esto será tuyo. One day, all this will become yours.
La cerca la pintó mi padre. The fence was painted by my father.
¿Es amigo tuyo? Is he a friend of yours?
La Suprema Corte está emplazado cerca del Palacio Imperial. The Supreme Court is located near the Imperial Palace.
Si por casualidad mi equipo pierde con el tuyo, yo me comeré mi sombrero. I'll eat my hat if, by some chance, my team loses to yours.
Ella se sentó cerca de él. She sat next to him.
Mira alrededor tuyo. Look about you.
Escogimos un hotel cerca de los museos. We chose a hotel near the museums.
Este libro es mío. ¿Dónde está el tuyo? This book is mine. Where is yours?
El jardín estaba rodeado por una cerca de madera. The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence.
¡Enséñame el tuyo! Show me yours!
Paró cerca de la silla de Tom. He stopped by Tom's chair.
Este libro es tuyo. This book belongs to you.
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