Sentence examples of "cerrado" in Spanish

Ahora el museo está cerrado. The museum is closed now.
El baño de la guardería estaba cerrado. The nursery toilet door was shut.
¿En serio? Yo había cerrado antes de salir. Really? I had locked it up before I went out.
¿Por qué está cerrado el museo? Why is the museum closed?
He cerrado la puerta pero no he echado la llave. I shut the door, but I haven't locked it.
Qué extraño. Juraría que había cerrado esta puerta con llave. That's strange. I could have sworn that I'd locked this door.
Este museo lleva cerrado cinco años. This museum has been closed for five years.
El monumento está cerrado para los visitantes. This monument is closed to visitors.
Tom no sabía que el puente estaba cerrado. Tom didn't know that the bridge was closed.
Este museo ha estado cerrado por cinco años. This museum has been closed for five years.
Tengo entendido que el museo está cerrado los lunes. I understand the museum is closed on Mondays.
El camino estaba cerrado a causa de la inundación. The road was closed on account of the flood.
El Museo del Prado está cerrado porque hoy es lunes. The Prado Museum is closed because today is Monday.
Este camino está cerrado para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas. This street is closed for transports of dangerous goods.
No es casualidad que todo el comercio haya cerrado temprano hoy. Is not a coincidence that all the stores closed earlier today.
El centro de la ciudad debería estar cerrado a todo tráfico menos el peatonal. The city center should be closed to all but pedestrian traffic.
Hoy a la hora del almuerzo, nuestro restaurante de siempre estaba cerrado por un funeral en la familia. At lunchtime today, our usual restaurant was closed because of a funeral in the family.
La calle ha sido cerrada. The street has been closed.
Tom mantuvo la boca cerrada. Tom kept his mouth shut.
Encontramos la puerta principal cerrada. We found the front door locked.
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