Sentence examples of "comemos" in Spanish with translation "eat"

Comemos pescado crudo a menudo. We often eat fish raw.
Comemos asado y pescado empanado. We eat roasts and fish in batter.
Comemos la sopa con cuchara. We eat soup with a spoon.
Comemos pan con mantequilla de almuerzo. We eat bread and butter for lunch.
¿Qué dices si comemos afuera esta noche? What do you say to eating out tonight?
Las peras que comemos en Japón parecen casi manzanas. The pears we eat in Japan look almost like apples.
A menudo comemos alimentos dañinos a nuestra salud sin saberlo. We often eat foods which are harmful to our health without knowing it.
En primer lugar debemos tener cuidado con lo que comemos y bebemos. In the first place, we must be careful about what we eat and drink.
Tener cuidados sobre qué y cuánto comemos es esencial para una buena salud. Being aware of what and how much we eat is essential to good health.
¡No te comas ese damasco! Don’t eat that apricot!
¡Mejor no comas esa torta! You'd better not eat that cake!
Tom nunca come comida chatarra. Tom never eats junk food.
Come comida rápida, muere rápido. Eat fast food, die fast.
Mayuko come pan de desayuno. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast.
Tom come como un cerdo. Tom eats like a pig.
Frank come algo de queso. Frank eats some cheese.
Tom come como un caballo. Tom eats like a horse.
Tom come como un pájaro. Tom eats like a bird.
Si tienes hambre, come algo. If you’re hungry, have something to eat.
Papá no come mucha fruta. Father does not eat much fruit.
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