Sentence examples of "compromisos" in Spanish

Lo siento, tengo otro compromiso. I'm sorry, I have another engagement.
Tom tiene miedo al compromiso. Tom is afraid of commitment.
Al final alcanzamos un compromiso. In the end we reached a compromise.
Tenía un compromiso previo a las diez. I have a previous engagement at ten.
Tom le teme al compromiso. Tom is afraid of commitment.
Parece no haber alguna posibilidad de un compromiso. There seems to be no possibility of compromise.
Tom le dio un anillo de compromiso a Mary. Tom gave Mary an engagement ring.
A Tom le asusta el compromiso. Tom is afraid of commitment.
No puedo aceptar la invitación porque tengo otro compromiso. I can't accept the invitation because I have another engagement.
Brasil es un país joven y sin compromiso con el pasado. Brazil is a young country without a commitment to the past.
Lamento que un compromiso previo me impida aceptar su gentil invitación. I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.
Tom no pudo asistir a la reunión por un compromiso previo. Tom couldn't attend the meeting because of a previous engagement.
Ella no quiere que él compre un anillo de compromiso caro. She doesn't want him to buy an expensive engagement ring.
Los medios se enteraron de un rumor sobre su compromiso y vinieron rápidamente. The media got wind of a rumor about his engagement and came quickly.
Tom compró un anillo compromiso para Mary con el dinero que heredó de su abuelo. Tom bought an engagement ring for Mary with money he inherited from his grandfather.
Su padre nunca aprobaría su compromiso con una chica que no comparta las mismas creencias religiosas de su familia. His father would never sanction his engagement to a girl who did not share the same religious beliefs as their family.
Tom casi nunca llega atrasado a sus compromisos. Tom is almost never late for appointments.
Tom casi nunca llega tarde a sus compromisos. Tom is hardly ever late for appointments.
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