Sentence examples of "contigo" in Spanish

No estoy de acuerdo contigo. I don't agree with you.
No seas tan duro contigo mismo. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Estoy cansado de pelear contigo. I'm tired of fighting with you.
Y sobre todo, se verdadero contigo mismo. Above all, be true to yourself.
Yo definitivamente quiero ir contigo. I do want to go with you.
La peor soledad es no sentirte a gusto contigo mismo. The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.
Mañana voy a hablar contigo. I will speak to you tomorrow.
Descubrí algo profundamente relacionado contigo. I found out something deeply related to you.
Desafortunadamente, no puedes llevarlo contigo. Unfortunately, you cannot bring him along.
¿Dónde me puedo comunicar contigo? Where can I get in touch with you?
Estoy perdiendo la paciencia contigo. I am losing my patience with you.
Quiero pasar mi vida contigo. I want to spend my life with you.
Tom no quiere discutir contigo. Tom doesn't want to argue with you.
Estaré contigo en diez minutos. I'll be with you in ten minutes.
¿Llevas algo de dinero contigo? Do you have any money with you?
Estoy feliz de estar contigo. I am glad to be with you.
¿Trajiste a tu familia contigo? Did you bring your family with you?
¡Que la paz sea contigo! Peace be with you!
Es muy divertido estar contigo. It's a lot of fun to be with you.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. I agree with you absolutely.
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