Sentence examples of "convencer" in Spanish with translation "convince"
Me intentaba convencer de invertir en aquel negocio.
He was trying to convince me to invest in that business.
No lo pudo convencer de que aceptara un cheque personal.
She couldn't convince him to accept a personal check.
Sería virtualmente imposible convencer a Tom de ir con nosotros.
It would be virtually impossible to convince Tom to come along with us.
Ella no lo pudo convencer de que le escribiera una canción.
She couldn't convince him to write a song for her.
Tom tratará de convencer a Mary de que acepte tu oferta.
Tom will try to convince Mary to accept your offer.
Ella no lo pudo convencer para que le comprara un auto nuevo.
She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car.
Cualquiera que quiera casarse con ella, primero tiene que convencer a su padre.
Whoever wants to marry her must first convince her father.
No debí haber perdido mi tiempo tratando de convencer a Tom de cambiar de idea.
I shouldn't have wasted my time trying to convince Tom to change his mind.
Estoy empezando a creer que nunca seremos capaces de convencer a Tom de que se equivoca.
I'm beginning to believe that we'll never be able to convince Tom that he's wrong.
La publicidad es el arte de convencer a la gente a gastar dinero que no tienen para algo que no necesitan.
Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need.
No importa cuánto insistas en convencer a la gente de que el chocolate es vainilla, seguirá siendo chocolate, aunque puede que te convenzas a ti mismo y a algunos otros de que es vainilla.
No matter how much you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it'll still be chocolate, even though you may manage to convince yourself and a few others that it's vanilla.
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