Sentence examples of "creerte" in Spanish

No soy tan idiota como para creerte. I'm not such an idiot that I believe you.
Él se cree un héroe. He believes himself to be a hero.
Todavía se creen muchas supersticiones. Lots of superstitions are still believed in.
No me creo que sea abogado. I don't believe he is a lawyer.
No me creo ni una palabra. I don't believe one word of it.
La gente se cree lo que ve. People believe what they see.
No te creas todo lo que leas. Don't believe everything you read.
No, no puedo creerme lo que dices. No, I cannot believe what you say.
Los hombres se creen lo que quieren. Men believe what they want to.
Se creyó que Ben era un criminal. Ben was believed to be a criminal.
Se creía que la tierra era plana. It was believed that the earth was flat.
Se creía que las ballenas eran peces. It was believed that whales were fish.
Se cree que existen fantasmas en este bosque. It is believed that ghosts exist in this forest.
Casi todos los estudiantes se creyeron el rumor. Almost all the students believed the rumor.
Se creía que un monstruo vivía en la cueva. A monster was believed to live in the cave.
Sólo me creo la mitad de lo que él dice. I don't quite believe what he says.
Estuve hablando mucho tiempo y conseguí que ella me creyera. I talked a long time, and I managed to make her believe me.
Se cree que el siete es un número de la suerte. Seven is believed to be a lucky number.
Se cree que la policía ha detenido a la mujer equivocada. The police are believed to have arrested the wrong woman.
En el cristianismo se cree que Jesús es el hijo de Dios. In Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the son of God.
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