Sentence examples of "diciendo" in Spanish with translation "say"

¿Entiendes lo que estoy diciendo? Do you understand what I'm saying?
Puedo entender lo que estás diciendo. I can understand what you are saying.
No comprendo lo que estás diciendo. I don't understand what you're saying.
¿Qué es esto que estás diciendo? What is this that you're saying?
Lo que está diciendo no tiene sentido. What he is saying doesn't make sense.
¿Estás captando todo lo que está diciendo? Are you taking in all he is saying?
Lo que estás diciendo no tiene sentido. What you are saying does not make sense.
¿Estás diciendo que mi vida corre peligro? Are you saying my life is in danger?
No puedo entender lo que estás diciendo. I can understand what you are saying.
Anota lo que está diciendo, por favor. Please write down what he says.
No pude entender lo que él estaba diciendo. I couldn't make out what he was saying.
Lleva diciendo lo mismo desde que lo conocí. He's been saying the same things since I first met him.
No puedo comprender lo que ella está diciendo. I can't understand what she says.
Pero quiero que entiendas lo que estoy diciendo. But I want you to understand what I'm saying.
Tomé nota de lo que él estaba diciendo. I took note of what he was saying.
Como iba diciendo, no voy a hacer nada. As l was saying, I won't do anything.
Tom no cree lo que está diciendo Mary. Tom doesn't believe what Mary says.
No entiendo nada de lo que estás diciendo. I don't understand a thing you're saying.
Me costaba bastante entender lo que estaba diciendo. It was rather difficult for me to make out what he was saying.
Me guiñó el ojo, como diciendo, te quiero. She winked at me, as much as to say, I love you.
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