Sentence examples of "enamorados" in Spanish with translation "fall in love"

Toma algo de tiempo enamorarse. Falling in love takes some time.
Me enamoré de una mujer. I fell in love with a woman.
Me enamoré a primera vista. I fell in love at the first glance.
Nunca nos enamoraremos otra vez. We will never fall in love again.
Él se enamora a menudo. He often falls in love.
Tom y Mary se enamoraron. Tom and Mary fell in love with each other.
Tom se enamoró de Linda. Tom fell in love with Linda.
Ella se enamoró de él. She fell in love with him.
Él se enamoró de ella. He fell in love with her.
Estoy buscando a alguien para enamorarme. I'm looking for someone to fall in love with.
No puedo evitar enamorarme de ti. I cannot help falling in love with you.
No pude evitar enamorarme de ti. I couldn't help but fall in love with you.
No puedo evitar enamorarme de ella. I cannot help falling in love with her.
Tom no esperaba enamorarse de Mary. Tom didn't expect to fall in love with Mary.
Me enamoré de la atractiva ingeniera. I fell in love with the charming female engineer.
Me enamoré en un lugar improbable. I fell in love in an unlikely place.
Ella luce deprimida cuando se enamora. When she falls in love, she looks depressed.
La profesora se enamoró del estudiante. The teacher fell in love with the student.
Peter se enamoró de la chica. Peter fell in love with the girl.
No te enamores, porque todavía te odiamos. Don't fall in love because we hate you still.
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