Sentence examples of "enfermos" in Spanish

El perro olía a los enfermos. The dog sniffed the sick.
Muchos enfermos de cáncer pierden el pelo a causa de la quimioterapia. Many cancer patients lose their hair because of the chemotherapy.
Más de un millón de ancianos están en cama enfermos. More than a million old people are sick in bed.
Los enfermos, hombres cansados finalmente alcanzaron la montaña donde el estaba esperando. The sick, tired men finally reached the mountain town where he was waiting.
La salud es un tesoro cuyo valor lo conocen sólo los enfermos. Health is a treasure, the value of which is known only to the sick.
Creo que ella está enferma. I think she is sick.
Ella parecía haber estado enferma. She seemed to have been ill.
Creo que Yumi está enferma. I think that Yumi is sick.
Al parecer, ella estaba enferma. It seems that she was ill.
Dicen que ella está enferma. They say she's sick.
Ella se puso gravemente enferma. She became very ill.
Obvio que ella está enferma. It's obvious that she's sick.
Mi madre está gravemente enferma. My mother is seriously ill.
Estar enferma es muy aburrido. Being sick is very boring.
Ella dijo que estaba enferma. She said that she was ill.
Jane está en cama enferma. Jane is sick in bed.
Él no puede estar enfermo. He can't be ill.
Cuidé de mi hermana enferma. I took care of my sick sister.
¿Cómo supiste que ella está enferma? How did you get to know she was ill?
Cuídate. No te pongas enfermo. Take care of yourself. Don't get sick.
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