Sentence examples of "engañada" in Spanish

Mucha gente fue engañada por ese anuncio. Many people were deceived by the advertisement.
Fue engañada una vez más. She was tricked yet again.
Tom engaña a su mujer. Tom is cheating on his wife.
Espero que no me engañen. I hope they aren't deceiving me.
Él nos ha engañado por completo. He has entirely deceived us.
No dejes que te engañen. Don't let them fool you.
¿El monstruo del Lago Ness es real, o es sólo un engaño elaborado? Is the Loch Ness monster real or is it just an elaborate hoax?
¿Me has engañado alguna vez? Have you ever cheated on me?
No deberías engañar a tus compañeros. You shouldn't deceive your colleagues.
Sólo entonces comprendió que había sido engañado. Only then did he realize he had been deceived.
Cuando quieras engañar al mundo, di la verdad. When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.
Nunca me imaginé que George me engañaría. Never did I dream that George would cheat me.
La publicidad nos engañó por completo. We were entirely deceived by the advertisement.
Él fue engañado por su apariencia inocente. He was deceived by her innocent appearance.
Una persona moral no miente, engaña o roba. A moral person doesn't lie, cheat, or steal.
No te dejes engañar por las apariencias. Don't be deceived by appearances.
Lo que más me molestó fue haber sido engañado. What bugged me most was having been deceived.
Ella estuvo engañando a su marido durante años. She's been cheating on her husband for years.
No es bueno engañar a los colegas. Deceiving your colleagues isn't good.
Llegué a la conclusión de que había sido engañado. I came to the conclusion that I had been deceived.
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