Sentence examples of "escrita" in Spanish with translation "written"

Tengo una carta escrita por él. I have a letter written by him.
La carta fue escrita por Tom. The letter was written by Tom.
Ayer recibí una carta escrita en inglés. I received a letter written in English yesterday.
Ésta es una historia escrita en inglés. This is a story written in English.
Recibí una carta escrita hace una semana. I received a letter written one week ago.
Ella me mostró una carta escrita en inglés. She showed me a letter written in English.
Esta novela fue escrita por un famoso escritor americano. This novel was written by a famous American writer.
Esta es la carta escrita por el señor Brown. This is the letter written by Mr Brown.
Esa novela no fue escrita por el Sr. Robinson. That novel wasn't written by Mr. Robinson.
¿Tendrás esta composición escrita para el mediodía mañana, o no? You'll have this composition written by noon tomorrow, won't you?
Escrita en un apuro, su carta era difícil de leer. Having been written in haste, his letter was hard to read.
Se dice que "Hamlet" es la obra más interesante jamás escrita. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written.
La carta fue escrita usando términos del mundo de los negocios. The letter was written using business terms.
La narración está escrita en primera persona del singular, porque está tomada ficticiamente del diario del hombre. The narration is written in the first person singular, because it is fictionally taken from the man's everyday journal.
Ya he escrito una carta. I have already written a letter.
Está escrito en su cara. It is written in his face.
Tom ha escrito tres novelas. Tom has written three novels.
Tom ha escrito tres libros. Tom has written three books.
Él ha escrito dos libros. He has written two books.
Sí, él ya lo ha escrito. Yes, he has already written it.
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