Sentence examples of "habías" in Spanish with translation "have"

Creía que habías perdido tu reloj. I thought you had lost your watch.
Oímos la noticia de que habías aprobado el examen. We heard the news that you had passed the exam.
¿Encontraste el paraguas que dijiste que habías perdido el otro día? Have you found the umbrella which you said you had lost the other day?
¿Por qué no tenemos suficiente comida para todo el mundo? Pensaba que habías ido a comprar esta tarde. Why don't we have enough food for everyone? I thought you went shopping this afternoon.
Ha llevado una vida dura. She's had a hard life.
Se ha ido a América. He has gone to America.
Ella ha perdido toda esperanza. She has lost all hope.
El tren ha llegado ahora. The train has arrived here now.
Ha subido de peso, ¿verdad? You've put on weight, haven't you?
Mi potencia física ha decaído. My physical power has decayed.
Ken ha llegado a Kioto. Ken has arrived in Kyoto.
Tom ha demostrado que funciona. Tom has proved that it works.
Tom ha subido de peso. Tom has gained weight.
Grace todavía no ha venido. Grace has not come yet.
Nunca ha bailado con él. She has never danced with him.
Nunca le ha querido nadie. Nobody has ever loved him.
Tu inglés ha mejorado considerablemente. Your English has improved considerably.
¿Alguna vez se ha enamorado? Has she ever fallen in love?
¿La prisión la ha cambiado? Has prison changed her?
Elvis ha abandonado el edificio. Elvis has left the building.
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