Sentence examples of "herir" in Spanish

No quiero herir sus sentimientos. I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Tom no quería herir a nadie. Tom didn't mean to hurt anybody.
Él no quería herir tus sentimientos. He did not intend to hurt your feelings.
Teníamos miedo de herir sus sentimientos. We were afraid that we might hurt his feelings.
No quiero volver a herir a Tom. I don't want to hurt Tom again.
No fue mi intención herir tus sentimientos. It was not my intention to hurt your feelings.
Lo lamento, no quise herir tus sentimientos. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Tom no quiso herir los sentimientos de Mary. Tom didn't mean to hurt Mary's feeling.
Tuve miedo de que pudiera herir sus sentimientos. I was afraid that I might hurt his feelings.
A veces mentimos para no herir los sentimientos de otro. Sometimes we lie so that we don't hurt the feelings of others.
No le dije la verdad por miedo a herir sus sentimientos. Afraid of hurting his feelings, I didn't tell him the truth.
Si alguna vez haces algo para herir a Tom, te mataré. If you ever do anything to hurt Tom, I'll kill you.
No era la intención de Tom herir los sentimientos de Mary. Tom didn't mean to hurt Mary's feelings.
Al girar la página, podemos mandar retirarse a los personajes de un libro sin miedo a herir sus sentimientos. By turning the page, we can dismiss the characters in a book without fear of hurting their feelings.
Las personas heridas hieren personas. Hurt people hurt people.
Fue herido en la guerra. He was wounded in the war.
Me herí durante la clase de educación física. I injured myself during the physical education lesson.
Las personas heridas hieren personas. Hurt people hurt people.
Los heridos se están mejorando. The wounded are getting better.
Desde que se hirió en un accidente, no ha podido volver a andar. Since he was injured in an accident, he could no longer walk.
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